After extensive research into the intensive therapy techniques that were pioneered worldwide, a commitment was made to open a state of the art leading and first of its kind based intensive pediatric rehabilitation therapy center.
In March 2011, Dr. Majdi El Halik Pediatric Physical and Mental Rehabilitation Center opened its doors at Dubai Health Care City in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The Center hired physical therapists that specialized in various unique and combined therapies such as TheraSuit™ Therapy, Bobath Therapy, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Hydro Therapy, Sensory Integration Therapy, Occupational, and Behavioral Therapy and Speech Therapy, and Classical Physiotherapy all under one roof. This Intensive Pediatric Rehabilitation Program is expected to take off promptly.
Not limited to treatment of children with cerebral palsy, in addition the Center is successfully focusing to treat children with a variety of special needs such as Traumatic Brain Injuries, Spina Bifida, Down syndrome and a wide variety of other non-progressive neuromuscular disorders. The most important goal for the patients who suffer from cerebral palsy and other related disorders is to gain the ability to maximize their capabilities in the form of improvement in mobility, pain and becoming more dependent. The Rehabilitation Center is also able to help these people to improve their mental and speech capabilities to achieve their goals.